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FAQs for Christ Consciousness Transmissions (CCTs)

Join us for a Christ Consciousness Transmission seven times every week using the button below at 5:00 pm Pacific time on Tuesdays, 11:00 am Pacific time on Thursdays, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm Pacific time on Saturdays, and also at 9:00 am and 11:00 am Pacific time on Sundays (calendar with starting times in your time zone). You are welcome to attend the first time for FREE (by donation after that). 

Or copy and paste this URL into your browser:
(Password if needed: 445566)

Note: The 1:00 pm Pacific time gathering on Saturdays is a special FREE healing and prayer circle as described here.

Sessions are about 40-50 minutes long and include a channeled message from Jesus followed by a 17 minute transmission designed to activate awakening. Then, after the music that accompanies the transmission ends, we will sit in silence for a few minutes with eyes closed before quietly ending the meeting.  See this page for instructions to join by telephone. 


Special Event: Immerse in Christ Consciousness Transmissions in a Three-day Weekend Intensive with Nine Transmissions on November 15-17, 2024

What Are Christ Consciousness Transmissions?

christ tree of light 900wIn seven weekly Christ Consciousness Transmission online meetings, Jesus and other Ascended Masters offer a transmission of Christ Consciousness energy through Gina Lake and her husband. Awakened teachers acting as intermediaries make it possible for Jesus to work more closely and directly with people. This transmission is largely through the eyes, as in the Eastern tradition of darshan, which is a blessing being transmitted through the eyes and received by the viewer through the eyes. In addition to this energetic transmission, these transformative gatherings include a channeled message from Jesus based on the universal truth behind and beyond all religions.

Gina Lake has been channeling the words of Jesus for several years, and Jesus has asked Gina and her husband, Nirmala, to make themselves available as instruments of his transmission. They are simply acting as antennas for this universal force. Christ Consciousness Transmission is a direct current of love and healing that will accelerate your evolution and help you break through to a new level of being. It will assist you in embodying Christ Consciousness and being your best self: who you came here to be. It is particularly intended for awakening and can also clear and heal longstanding issues by working with the unconscious mind when doing so is in service to awakening.

Transmission is something that naturally happens from spiritual teacher to aspirant and from beings on higher dimensions to those who are willing to receive on this dimension. Transmission has been used throughout the ages to accelerate spiritual evolution and raise consciousness. In the process, emotional and sometimes physical healing also take place, as a clearing of energy blocks from the energy field is a necessary and natural part of raising consciousness.

What is Christ Consciousness?

Christ Consciousness refers to enlightenment or the realization of our oneness with all and our inherent divinity, exemplified by Jesus Christ. Jesus lived what he taught, and taught from a higher consciousness, one free of ego. Jesus was an example of what we all can be, a model of what is possible for every human being, and he said as much. His message was that we, too, can be Christed—enlightened—as he was, and many are living proof of this today. Many are awakening to their true nature, and enlightenment is the culmination or endpoint of that process of awakening.

Jesus Christ, like other enlightened masters, was able to transmit universal Source energy to others because he was enlightened. It was not his energy that was transmitted. Rather, because he was enlightened, he was able to be an instrument of the universal energy that comes from Source, or God: the Oneness. Spiritual forces and Ascended Masters such as Jesus channel this universal Source energy to those on earth who are able to transmit it to others. Transmission is one of the main ways consciousness is raised and human evolution is advanced. Transmission may seem mysterious, but we don’t have to understand it or even feel it to be transformed by it. That we can be affected by certain people in this way is a gift from Source to aid us in returning Home.

When are the transmissions?

Sessions are at the following times:

  • Tuesdays at 5:00 pm Pacific Daylight Saving Time (8:00 pm Eastern time, 10:00 am on Weds. in Sydney).

  • Thursdays at 11:00 am Pacific Daylight Saving Time (2:00 pm Eastern time, 7:00 pm in the UK).
  • Saturdays at 11:00 am Pacific time ((2:00 pm Eastern time, 7:00 pm in the UK), 1:00 pm Pacific time (4:00 pm Eastern time, 9:00 pm in the UK, 6:00 am on Sunday in Sydney), and also at 3:00 pm Pacific time (6:00 Eastern time, 11:00 pm in the UK, and 8:00 am on Sunday in Sydney).
  • Sundays at 9:00 am Pacific Daylight Saving Time (12:00 noon Eastern time, and 5:00 pm in the UK) and also at 11:00 am Pacific time (2:00 pm Eastern time, 7:00 pm in the UK).

The 1:00 pm Pacific time gathering on Saturdays is a special FREE healing and prayer circle as described here.

These meetings are about 40-50 minutes long and include a channeled message from Jesus followed by a 17 minute transmission of Christ Consciousness energy to accelerate your spiritual growth. You don't need to sign up ahead for any of our gatherings, just follow the Zoom link below to join the meeting room at the scheduled time.

How do I attend one of the online group meetings?

At or slightly before the correct time, click the button below.

Or copy and paste this URL into your browser:
(Password if needed: 445566)

After you've clicked the button above, if you are prompted to download the Zoom launcher, just follow the on-screen instructions. The meeting room will be open about 15 minutes beforehand for you to come and sit quietly. You can attend online on your computer, smartphone, tablet, or even by dialing in from your telephone. See this page for instructions to join by phone. You don't need to sign up ahead for any of our gatherings, just follow the Zoom link above to join the meeting room at the scheduled time.

Is there a cost to attend?

These sessions are offered by donation, but you are welcome to attend your first session for free by clicking on the Zoom link above. After that, the suggested donation is $10-$20 (US). However, money never needs to be a reason not to attend, and everyone is always welcome to join us, regardless of the amount donated. The Zoom link works whether or not you have donated. Below is a button to donate on Paypal, where you can also use a credit card even if you don't have a PayPal account. Or you can mail your donation to Endless Satsang Foundation, PO Box 20433, Sedona, AZ 86341. (If Paypal doesn't work for you, here is an alternate way to donate.)

You can also donate to Endless Satsang Foundation through the Paypal Giving Fund (a 501c-3 charity), which does not charge us any fees, and 100% of your donation will go to our non-profit organization.

Another way you can attend Christ Consciousness Transmissions is to join Gina's online course Awakening Now. Ten transmission meetings are included in the course. After you enroll in Awakening Now, you can attend ten meetings on any of the days they are offered. More info about the course is here.

Will you be recording the transmissions?

This is a sacred space and a live, individual experience, so we are not making recordings of these sessions available. If you miss a session you have donated for, you are welcome to attend any other session, or we will gladly refund your donation.

What happens in one of the online group meetings?

""This group is for you. What it offers is something you will receive, and it will be received, not by your mind, but by your being. Any words that we use are for the purpose of preparing you to receive. So, this is not the usual kind of gathering. We aren’t gathering to answer questions and share ideas with each other. We are gathering for each of you to receive a transmission that will be in service to whatever is in your highest good. These meetings are an opportunity to encounter and experience Jesus and other Ascended Masters and receive the healing and love they have to offer us energetically.

This gathering is between you and the transmission, and it is fine to consider yourself to be alone with it, because that is really what’s going on. Jesus will duplicate himself and stand in front of each of you and give you the love, healing, and support to awaken that you are willing to receive. Your willingness to receive is key. That is your only job—to be open and willing to receive whatever is in your highest good.

These meetings are about 40-50 minutes long and include a channeled message or guided meditation from Jesus followed by a 17-minute transmission to activate awakening. After the music that accompanies the transmission ends, we sit in silence for about five minutes with eyes closed before ending the meeting. We suggest you continue to sit quietly for 10-15 minutes after the meeting and, if you can, arrange your schedule to have a restful day. Taking a walk or spending time in nature is ideal.

How can I best receive the transmission?

Before receiving a transmission,the most important thing to do is to state inwardly your desire to receive whatever is in your highest good to receive. You can say something like this:

“I am open, ready, and willing to receive whatever I need to awaken more fully to my divine nature for the good of all and in alignment with my highest good. May love be my guide in this moment and always.”

Then ground yourself into the earth, relax, and move into a receptive state. Put your attention on the energetic experience of receiving the transmission—not on your thoughts about it, but on your body’s experience in the moment. Set your mind aside as best you can and just be and experience whatever you are experiencing, without evaluating it or thinking about it. Jesus has suggested that you keep your eyes open and gaze into Gina and Nirmala's eyes, since the transmission is conveyed in part through their eyes. But, if you need to close your eyes or find that that works better for you, that's fine. If you do choose to keep your eyes open, you may want to put the Zoom app in "speaker view" using the button in the upper right or upper left corner of the Zoom window, so that you see a larger image of Gina and Nirmala.

What can I do to receive the most benefit from the transmissions?

Your only job is to be open and willing to receive whatever is in your highest good. There really is nothing else you need to do. That said, here are some suggestions for things you do not need to do during the transmissions:

  • You do not need to move your body or be in any particular position during the transmissions. Sitting in a comfortable position and being very still quiets the mind and allows the inner experience to unfold most naturally. However, it is also fine if you experience any spontaneous movements or reactions, so you do not need to stop yourself if you start to smile, laugh, cry, shake or even fall asleep.
  • You do not need to keep your eyes open and meet our gaze, as suggested by Jesus. It’s fine to close your eyes if you prefer. However, some have found the transmissions to be more powerful when they keep their eyes open.
  • You do not need to keep close track of your experience. Every person’s experience will be unique, and every transmission you attend will also be different. And since much of what happens during a transmission will be on more subtle levels, you may or may not be consciously aware of any healing, clearing, or shifting that is occurring. In evaluating your experience, it may be best to compare your overall way of being in the world now with how it was for you before you began attending the transmissions. It’s often easier to see the effects as they unfold over longer stretches of time.
  • You can extend the effects of the transmissions by not doing a lot before and after the gatherings. Not watching television or surfing the internet and refraining from lots of conversation in the hours before and after can allow the process to go deeper. If possible, on weekends when there are five gatherings over two days and also on the monthly intensives with multiple transmissions each day, remain in silence for the entire day.
  • You can extend each session by remaining in silent meditation for a while after the transmission ends, which is a form of “not doing.” We always sit together in silence for about five minutes after the transmission and music ends, but feel free to remain in meditation even longer. Recent neuroscience research has shown that the effects of meditation are more powerful when you sit in meditation for at least 45 minutes. After a transmission is an ideal time to extend your meditation.
  • You don't need to sign up ahead for any of our gatherings, just follow the Zoom link above to join the meeting room at the scheduled time.
  • Finally, you do not need to limit how often you join us based on how much you are able to donate. We really mean it when we say that money never needs to be a reason not to attend, and everyone is truly always welcome to join us, regardless of the amount donated.

What can I expect to experience?

christ tree of light 900wEveryone's experience will be unique. Some experience subtle sensations of heat, light, tingling, or energy moving. Others get intuitions or insights that are important or helpful. Most feel a sense of relaxation, openness, and being supported or held by a benevolent force. Even if you don’t feel or experience anything, the transmission is still working.

After a transmission or series of transmissions, you may notice subtle and yet profound changes in how you feel throughout your day and also in your relationships. The primary intention of the transmission is to support spiritual awakening, but occasionally someone may experience a physical healing.

We are discovering that a common outcome of these transmissions and one purpose Jesus has in giving them is to help heal our relationship with God, which for many has been damaged by mistaken concepts received in our religious upbringing. Many report that they now are able to feel worthy and loved by God, that they now feel they have a relationship with God or Jesus. This is important because our relationship with God is primary and the template for all of our relationships. Feeling loved by God allows us to drop into our own divine nature and express that more easily in the world. And that very much relates to awakening.

These transmissions are not for everyone. And yet, if you are reading this, you are likely among the many that they are for. Since Christ Consciousness Transmissions are for the purpose of spiritual awakening, you may have been drawn to these sessions because you are ready to awaken. Regardless, these transmissions will have a positive influence on your life, and they aren’t harmful to anyone. The beings behind them know exactly what you need and will deliver that. Artwork on this page by Daniel B. Holeman

What nonphysical beings are behind the transmissions?

Originally, there was a circle of 26 Ascended Masters plus Jesus. The ones that I have been given names for are: Jesus, Mother Mary, St. Joseph, Anandamayi Ma, St. Anthony, Yogananda, Babaji, St. Therese de Lisieux, St. Teresa de Avila, Lao Tsu, Kuthumi, Archangel Gabriel, and Archangel Michael. More recently, others have joined us, since each person brings their guides and any Ascended Masters they are connected with. The more people that are gathered, the larger the circle of Ascended Masters gets. While some Ascended Masters are there at every gathering, others are there less consistently.

Are there any negative effects?

Jesus and the beings he works with will tailor the transmission to each individual in the group and provide what is truly in alignment with their highest good. However, as part of any process that opens a person spiritually, there can be a period of unloading of conditioning that happens as a form of clearing. The best thing to do with any strong emotions or reactions that occur in the days or weeks following a transmission is to welcome them and be as present and curious as you can to the experience you are having. This is what allows them to be cleared from your subtle body system. Resisting the experience of clearing will only make the experience last longer and be more uncomfortable. Read a more in-depth channeled response to the question, Are transmissions dangerous?

If you do experience material arising from the unconscious that is especially difficult, be sure to reach out for support. Gina's husband, Nirmala, offers spiritual mentoring sessions to support people at any stage in their spiritual journey. For emotional healing or kundalini support, contact Kristine Gay. Kristine and her husband, Barry Kerr, also often work with people together, and they sometimes join us in giving the transmission. Barry is also a wonderful astrologer. You can contact them through their website: We also recommend the work of Jenai Lane and Peter Cutler, who are spiritual teachers and who also sometimes join us in giving the transmissions. You can reach them through their websites: and

How often should I get a transmission?

It’s up to you. You can receive as often as you like. This force is safe and can’t be received too often.

What is your experience when you are transmitting?

When I (Gina) am transmitting, I'm very quiet and still inside (in Samadhi) with no thinking going on, although a thought might occasionally float by. Jesus's energy overlaps mine, and I feel that he is looking out of my eyes. I'm absorbed in the energy and not really seeing—not looking—as things are blurred and out of focus for me. I'm aware of various flavors of energy coming through at times, like compassion or courage or peace or upliftment. I'm absorbed in experiencing the energy and lost in that experience.

Do you send out reminders of upcoming sessions?

You can receive a weekly reminder email from us every Saturday to remind you of the transmissions. Enter your email in the form below and also check the box for the weekly reminders, then click or tap on "submit."

Yes please, send me CCT weekly reminders

Can I View a Google Calendar of the transmissions or Add the Transmissions to My Own Google Calendar?

You can view our Google Calendar for Christ Consciousness Transmissions to see all of the upcoming CCTs and special events. And while you are on the calendar, you can also add the CCT calendar to your own existing Google calendar: 

Then as long as you are signed into your Google account, you can simply click "Add" in the popup that appears (or the "+" sign in the bottom right corner) to add the CCT calendar to your own Google calendar. Once the CCT calendar is added, you can also sign up for notifications that are sent out before each event by clicking on the three dots to the right of the name of the calendar in the left column, and selecting "Settings" to open a page that includes an option to add notifications.

If you do not have a Google account, view this calendar instead.

What is the music that you play during the transmission?

There are two pieces of music. The first one is "Movement 3: Hope" from the album The Prayer Cycle by Johnathan Elias. The second piece is "Agnus Dei" composed by Samuel Barber from the album Evocation of The Spirit. In the half hour or so before the CCTs begin, we play assorted pieces of music, often including ones by Raphael and Shakya from Nomadic Love, and also from Whispering Heart. We also share the music from Patrick Lenk's Youtube channel (

More questions about Christ Consciousness Transmissions?

We have a Facebook group for people who attend or are interested in our online meetings.

In this message from Jesus, he introduces himself and the transmission process:

Many more recordings of channeled messages from Jesus are on our Youtube channel, "Gina Lake Channeling Jesus."

If you have experienced a Christ Consciousness Transmission (CCT) and have a testimonial to share, we would love to hear from you.

Here are some testimonials:

"I just wanted to say that the transmission experience yesterday evening was astonishing. It was a mind-blowing, 'psychedelic' experience, but one that was personal and soothing and healing and comforting. For at least a few moments, I just felt indescribably good, better than I can recall feeling for many years, if ever. It will take me a while to fully process the experience. My skeptical, analytical, left-brain dominated mind is intensely curious as to what the hell just happened, if you will pardon the expression!" –J. T.

“I am the same person I was when we last talked, but I am also suddenly very conscious of this other I, one who is not just the form or identity of the me that I seem to habitually think myself into, not the one skimming the surface of this life, but the I that I recognize has always been more and is now suddenly invited to come forth again, reveling with curiosity, authenticity, and newness/excitement.... There’s no measure of gratitude for your generous assistance in opening these higher chakras, Gina. I truly didn’t believe I was so ready, but ‘it’ sure seemed ready for me. I feel like I’m just starting to experience what it is to literally get out of my own way. I’m eager to share my excitement of actually experiencing what I’ve only let myself learn and read about.” –S. B.

In the past 4 days I received 10 transmissions. One time my eyes watered non-stop. Other times I felt my stationary body spinning rapidly and even falling which was soo amazing and pleasurable. I also felt intense energy and sometimes pressure as if someone was pushing on the field around me. And during one of the last ones, I entered into a state that was so euphoric I lost it quickly by thinking, ‘I don’t want this to end!’ However, what is more amazing is that in just a weekend I am drastically more present. Being present is a LOT easier now. I am amazed and so grateful that I can have moments of not thinking and enjoying them so much.” –Janine

“I cannot say what a profound experience it was to look into your eyes. I have never seen gazes like yours before—a love and kindness I had never seen before, as if you would look right into my heart. I was touched, and everything else disappeared. The CCTs are life changing. I would never have believed that there is a whole other world to experience just by attending an event on the internet! I didn’t have experiences of energy flow before, and every Sunday it is a new little wonder to see that there is so much more to life than we think there is.” –K. B.

“I work in healthcare, and I contracted Covid-19 pretty early. I was diagnosed with long Covid afterward. I started doing the transmissions in May of 2021. First, I noticed it would take away the Covid migraines. Later in the summer, I started to notice behavior changes. I started to feel more tolerant of people and more mellow. I had had depression and suicidal ideation for years. That has lifted. After twelve months, I feel like a brand new, different person. My workplace and my family environment have turned around as well. I am happy! Thank you both for all that you do! You are both providing a great service to humanity! I send lots of love back to you both!” –Beverly M.

“I must restrain myself... and yet somehow convey my sincerity... and so, I will not talk about the depth of your eyes and how the camera light shattered into swirling galaxies... nor will I attempt to convey what it is like to look into the eyes of Jesus in real-time. And so, I am speechless.” –A. M.

“The transmission shifted me back into Love. Afterwards, I felt an expansiveness in my chest, like the shield that had been guarding my heart had fallen away. For the next three days, it felt like my heart was being healed and repaired. Old hurt, anger and fear seemed to drop away. In its place there was a gentleness, softness, and sweetness filling my heart. I am in awe of the effect this had on the relationships in my life. My husband and children began to mirror back to me my own state of love, patience, and kindness. I am deeply grateful to experience such a profound healing of the heart and for tapping into Christ's loving presence from within.” –L. R.

“I cannot express in words what it is like to see the face of Jesus in the here and now. Something my little Catholic girl self that longed to be a saint would have only imagined would maybe happen in heaven. The palpable light and love that poured through my heart chakra like the sun bursting through clouds was indescribable, and the tears had me sobbing with such a holy love. So humble, so deeply moving. How do I or any other kindred soul here express enough gratitude? Blessings to you and Nirmala for this divine work you have gifted the world with. It feels like the second coming of Christ. And it feels like an opportunity to surrender to the process of awakening to a new way of being.” –K.

“The day after the session, I felt Christ presence in my heart chakra. This was a more direct experience of Christ than I recall having before. During the session, I felt a deep soft love.... Since the session, I felt some big chunks of fear release. During my meditation this morning, I felt myself stand fully upright inside for the first time, not bent forward/pulled down toward the lower chakras/emotions.... I feel that whatever happens in life, I can meet it from love because that's what's here, now that fear has been released and shakti is flowing. This is a significant change, since I now see that I was responding from fear quite a lot before.” –J. M.

"When the transmission started, I was flooded with emotion that moved me to tears, a great washing over me of gentleness and space. I felt the sensations that I am familiar with when connected with Spirit: a heavy pressure in the brow and crown, heat emanating from the heart through the body, and something I had not had before, an image of Jesus in a glowing long white robe stretching out his hand to me and flooding me with love. After the transmission, I sat for some time watching the flames in the wood-burning stove, in a place of quiet-mindedness, peace, and spaciousness. I had been in a dark place the previous week, of grief and perceived aloneness and loss, and since the transmission, that distressing sensation is gone. I will join you again. Thank you." C. P.

Oh my, it has been 1 year since my first transmission, and my growth has accelerated so much that I bow to you in gratitude and joy! Jesus is penetrating me!” -Dennis H.

“I have been having very visual experiences with Jesus during the transmissions. He shows up right in front of me and shows me things or tells me things. It has changed me profoundly, and I am very grateful. Jesus is my friend and Beloved now, and I feel His Presence with me wherever I am and whatever I am doing. Now that I have that frequency instilled in my being, I am able to remember it and call upon it throughout my day. I now can use it to shift a challenging situation, to open to more joy/love, or to bring healing where it is needed. It is also very healing for me to hear the message of Jesus coming through your female voice and body. It helps me to know that, I too, can BE that—that, I too, AM that.” –K. W.

“Just after you finished the transmission, there was a calm, easy presence that filled me. Then something extraordinary occurred—I had mobility in my neck. About a week ago, my shoulders and neck jammed up, and I’ve been walking around like Frankenstein.... What you saw and what I experienced, with blood flow and the tingling in my mouth, then the instantaneous healing in my neck is awesome in every sense of the word, and I couldn’t wait to share this with you this morning. I even slept like a baby, hardly any shoulder pain this morning. It’s a glorious realization of Divine Power and Blessing and Connection and Oneness. Thank you for being the conduit for undeniable healing. As you could imagine, I’m kinda on a cloud-nine of awareness and gratitude today!” –S. B.

“After the transmissions, I have felt totally calm, as if the emotional edge is off of everything, and the voice of the ego has been more or less muted, noticeably so. I find that although I react to things that happen during the day, it is with a certain distance, like an amused observation of myself. I try to stop and remember Jesus during the day, and recapture that calm joy when needed.” –L. K.

“Wow, thank you for the transmission this morning. I've never experienced anything so intense. I can't begin to describe it other than releasing grief, perhaps many lifetimes worth, realigning energy centers, releasing denseness, and feeling it resolve to a beautiful mult-colored light. Like a birthing experience, perhaps. Thank you for such a beautiful experience.” –Q. P.

"On November 12th, I experienced my first powerful Christ Consciousness transmission from Nirmala and Gina and a wonderful channeling through Gina. The transmission was like the best meditation ever. What I received was dramatic and life-changing. During the transmission, I felt the fulfillment of a calling to religious life, which had begun some 62 years ago, and I now feel I’m finally making some significant progress on my spiritual path and with my new mission. I’m beyond grateful.” – J. D.

“I started to notice when people were talking from ego... All of sudden I got it: I can be aware of what is happening and not engage my own ego, but make another choice to somehow let the winds gently remove the clouds of my own misguided blabbering and somehow reconnect to higher Self.... I cried about twenty minutes, sadness and angst of years filling my eyes and spilling down.... The blessings from CCT have been many—much I am not aware of. And, this is only the beginning. I am grateful for each tear that washes away the grime of ages, and I say thank you. May my behavior, my choices, make a better life for all.” –H. S.

“Once again, Jesus's latest message has been transformational for me. My heart feels so thirsty for his words. I know I will listen again and again. The transmission was such a deep and powerful experience. The first time I received the transmission a river of tears flowed, it was so beautiful. I felt such a closeness and connection with Jesus. I felt merged with his energy, like he was speaking directly to me, molding and shaping me from deep within. He gave me glimpses of what is possible for me, how life was intended to be lived, a life full of divine wisdom, sacredness, and love. Afterwards, it was as if I was emerging from the deepest of meditations.” L. Z.

“At the beginning of the transmission, I feel love that comes through you, and then the fact that I'm not alone and abandoned. Then suddenly I receive energy in the form of tingling, as if something is falling from the sky, like an unseen wave. It's the same feeling when you cover yourself with a blanket. In fact, it's like a subtle electric shock that touches my body, especially in my arms. The energy enters into my body like a caress and at an astonishing speed. It lasts a maximum of a few seconds and if I have a physical pain, it disappears, and it's like you are a newborn. I am always reborn during the transmissions. I have moments when I fall asleep, and when I wake up, it’s as if I have come from a long journey, rich in soul. Always in peace. I am a Zen person after. So, this is the experience with me, growing daily in compassion, love, and peace. Thank you with all my heart.” –Iolanda N.

“Just a quick note to tell you how profoundly I have been healed by my participation in these transmissions. I attended the first session in the most emotional pain I had ever experienced. My heart literally hurt. I had had an 'arms’ length' relationship with Jesus due to wounds of Catholicism. Long story short, I was willing to receive any healing this group of ascended beings had to offer. And I was healed. I am still in grateful awe that this is true for me. The pain in my heart was taken from me. Wow. And thank you! I have been back every week since and plan to keep attending.” –L. C.

“Thank you from the heart. Yesterday was perhaps the hardest day of my life physically and emotionally. I was hospitalized with a severely debilitating pain crisis. It was a very long day. Then I found myself awake in the middle of the night, and the idea of attending the CCT popped into my head. I attended the three transmissions you offered, and now I feel so much better! Everything improved so much. I had a very relaxing, super healing, happy day with hardly any pain. I was happy talking to people (staff and patients). I formed spontaneous, warm connections. Normally I’m shy and reserved. It was an amazing day. Thank you both and Jesus and All” –Roderick H.

“These transmissions are extremely powerful and profound. There is nothing to ‘think’ about or ‘question’ while this is taking place. What I’ve found is that my mind is not a concern at all. All of my senses are alive and alert to sounds, sights, feelings, scents, and impressions, all of which take me directly into the experience I’m having, which is love: pure, untainted, unmasked, unspoken, unexplained, unexamined, and un-dissected.  Pure love, just as it is, without the confusion, distortions or narratives. These transmissions are unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced or heard about from others. The love, peace, gratitude, joy, release, grace, divinity, holiness, and love of all of life is present without a word being spoken about it in this shared time and space together. It is as close to experiencing what is real as I have ever come.” Anna D.

“I cannot put into words the impact of the transmissions. In some, I have been just immersed in a state of divine union. In others, I've had depths of grief of trauma activated and released, sobbing uncontrollably. I know something profound is happening and beyond the transmissions themselves. Ever since my weekend with you, I've been cultivating my own relationship with Jesus, something that I've dipped in and out of over the years. But I am now turning to him for support for my deepest, darkest fears, feelings, and beliefs. And I am finding such profound solace.” –J. P.

“I found that after my first and second transmission, my relationship with my boss suddenly got worse, and I wanted to quit. Then after a week or so, there was a huge shift. All the heavy, dark, nasty stuff vanished and not only everything changed in my job, but I am discovering things I didn’t know were stored in my heart or I didn’t know I was capable of. The way I love, how love truly feels, an amazing feeling of compassion I didn’t know was in me, the way I now see people around me, and much more have all changed in such a short period of time. I feel I am a brand new person. This is HUGE, and I am truly grateful." –M. M.

“Every experience receiving the transmissions is different, but they are always beautiful and uplifting. In the first transmission I received, I had a vision of Christ asking permission to enter my heart, which I happily accepted, and then I saw Christ step into my heart center. A profound feeling of being held in divine love and grace overcame me. It was a truly beautiful experience. The effects of the transmissions have been, at times, subtle and others quite dramatic, but the general effects are a greater sense of ease in my daily life as well as a clearer perception of my divine nature, which is becoming more and more unshakeable.” –A. M.

“There are no words to express the depth and awe of connection that this intensive has brought forth. With the movement of hands, galaxies unfolded, and all the saints and enlightened beings moved with us. There were no limits and are no limits to this consciousness. There were tears moving through, and all restrictions inner and outer melted and revealed their true nature. The love and gratitude were boundless. Gina poured forth a powerful stream of presence, complemented by the loving and expansive presence of Nirmala, both complete within themselves but together channeling a larger and deeper field. Deepest gratitude to you both.” –H. S.

“I wanted to let you know that the transmissions have been so good for me! During the transmissions, I felt a deep peace, and a few times I still felt that peace the next day. Since attending the transmissions, it is much easier for me to fall into a state of bliss when I just lay down, and I often stay in that bliss for hours. I also feel a deep peace, a sort of ‘everything is alright just the way it is’ during the day more often. I’m so very grateful for this! It feels so wonderful!!!” –L. S.

“Thank you both so very much for your love and dedication to us all. Finding your website, Gina, certainly changed my life, I am so very grateful. My goodness, I knew there was plenty of material to be healed, but I had no idea as to the depth and complexity of it. Who knows what’s next! With timing that defies understanding, we started with single episode traumas and, more recently, powerful schemas linked to past lives. The circumstances that are engineered to bring about awareness are just incredible. Often connection to events has brought release, but sometimes now it’s just energy: heat, cold, or ‘tension’ in a chakra. The mind has quieted, the meditative state is closer, life is now peace oriented. Color is so much more than an adjective. Thank you for an extraordinary journey.” Linda Laurenson

“I was guided to Gina's website where I was beyond thrilled to find the transmissions and channeled books. After just listening to the words, "This is the one you have known as Jesus the Christ," the feeling was that of a long-lost reunion with someone so close to you. It was an immediate healing of my heart and immense gratitude. I was on my way home! After many transmissions and digesting all of the channeled books. I now am able to pick up Jesus's vibration. It is so wonderful. My personal relationship is getting stronger each day. What a gift!! Thank you! I truly don’t have the words to express my sincerest gratitude. This has been a true gift! And for once in my life I feel loved and supported. Life is benevolent—truly!!” –D. S.

“The weekly Christ Consciousness Transmissions are life altering. I am in tears as I type this because I feel such deep love and peace on a consistent basis.” –M. D.

“Since the CCT, my relationship with Jesus has deepened and so has my meditation. I have received helpful messages during meditation that bring additional clarity. What is most important is that now I ask Jesus for help many times a day, and I know He is helping me. During the worse storms, there is a knowing that I am never alone. I know this will change my life. I am so grateful for the CCT.” –F. W.

“When the transmission started, I felt an immense peace and love, like all around me doesn't exist, and I entered into this amazing peace. You are like family for me! During transmission, my head is like antenna, and I received downloads something so powerful, and I feel dizzy. Also, I see the light like cotton candy around Gina and on this face. Amazing!” –Iolanda N.

“The intensive was delicious, in my experience. Three deeply buried beliefs of family-taught conditioning were flushed up to consciousness, where I can choose to no longer entertain these false identities. Surprise and relief. That inner space now occupied by love. The experience of looking into your eyes during the transmission is transformative in ways I can feel but not understand. It’s increasingly powerful over the days of the intensive.” –R. R.

“I am so grateful beyond words for this transmission, both to Gina and Nirmala (and the others who are assisting) for being vehicles for the energy and to Jesus and the other ascended masters. It is blowing my mind how there are times when it looks like Jesus is looking directly into my eyes through Gina and Nirmala! I feel like I’m being seen through the depths of my being and loved for all of it: the divine perfection and the flawed humanity. So profound!” –J. P.

“I have tried at least four or five times to start a letter to thank you for the wonderful Christ transmissions, but I fall short each time as I can never find the appropriate words. I used to just hope I would be able to join you every Sunday, but now it's a weekly priority of mine. It's way better than any other Sunday service I have ever attended. For me, the transmissions give me a great sense of calmness, and I feel I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, and I am learning that peace of mind is no small thing. So, I bow down to you both, and I humbly offer my thanks.” –C.

“Thank you for turning my partner into my spiritual partner. The best couples therapy ever! I am so grateful. Our relationship has been so wonderful. Every morning we have coffee and green tea with Jesus. Lol! We listen to the taped transmissions as our lesson for the day, and we truly feel his presence, and so does my cat. We are then able to tune in to our divine selves to communicate to one another and keep our egos in check. Life is good. We are committed to this journey, one day at a time.” –D. S.

“(The transmission) was so powerful. I felt so much love. I was looking into your eyes, and I had this knowing that Jesus was looking at me as if we were sitting face to face. And I felt seen by him. I don't even know how to really was an intimate experience. It lasted through the end of transmission, and I felt so much joy. I can't even put into words. Thank You so much.” –N. N.

“I am so grateful for the transmissions! I experience them like a cleansing. My heart region and back ached for some weeks. This changed into an energy flow throughout my body. The last two CCTs, I suddenly started being moved by this energy. My upper body turned around its axis for a while clockwise and then for a while the other way around. The movement felt very sweet. Everything was so light. When I meditate now, this sometimes comes back, and I feel connected to the subtle realm. Such effects are more than I ever wished for or thought possible.” –K. B.

"After the passing of my mother, I decided I could use some love, and I tuned into one of Gina and Nirmala's transmissions. I have continued tuning in ever since. After listening to many of the YouTube messages and reading the books so that I could get a complete view of Jesus' teachings. I can say that not only am I recovered from a case of PTSD and depression, but I am in a better place than I have ever been in my life. For the first time, I am genuinely happy. I have been a meditator and a counselor for 30 years and sat with different teachers, but this is the first time that these same teachings have stuck for me in a new way. I am living the teaching now. I am relaxed and at peace, I trust Life and my real Self to navigate this life. I feel genuine joy in meeting each new day. I feel loving, strong and capable.” –Dr. Vicky M.

“The Christ Consciousness transmissions were the purest expression of love I have ever encountered, and the most beautiful experience of love I have ever received. It reminds me of my late grandmother and the way she loved me. She loved me like no one else. That is what I felt at the Christ Consciousness transmission. I immediately changed after just one transmission. The ego is insane, but the heart is truly sane. Thank you, Gina and the other spiritual teachers at the transmission, who allowed that sanity to come into me, and allow me to walk in the light of Presence and reality.” –N.

“The transmissions are such a comfort to me in my life. I don't know anything that has given me such a sense of presence, awareness, guidance, and support as the transmissions. I often see the spirit guides after the transmissions. The ones I recognize are Mother Mary, Jesus, Lao Tze, and Yogananda.” –Saraswati

“From the first transmission, I have been physically overcome and am just a puddle of compassion. My limbs are heavy and become unusable, as I relax and receive. Being open to receiving really is key. Sometimes I notice sharp pains or heat or the area of my heart feels void, open as if it has been replaced with God’s eternal flame. I have been brought to my knees through Jesus and the others’ presence. Large chunks of emotional pain have passed through me as it transforms into light. These sessions, the words, and Presence of these nonphysical beings, are changing me on a fundamental level, complementing and enhancing my growth and devotion to my divinity. I can honestly say these are the absolute highlight of my week, and I look forward to each one. Thank you.” –B. M.

“I have had such a shift occur in my life since I started the transmissions. My presence in daily life is tremendously increasing, and I love how I can recognize the thought-stream, turn away, and not feel bad about it. It’s so freeing and I’m so grateful! I have been so at ease and at peace these days. And so many things that would have normally set me off have not even phased me. I am so grateful to you both and to Jesus and the higher beings for this information and energy. You’re all wonderful. Thank you so much.  I got my car serviced yesterday, and was in the waiting room for almost 3 hours. I was so present and felt soo crazy good that I actually enjoyed myself immensely, made friends, and had a beautiful time.” –Janine

“My husband started coming on Saturday nights about 3 months ago, and I've seen beautiful changes in him and in our relationship. And the gazing has been so good for me. The impact is gentle and powerful at the same time.” –A. T.

“The transmission yesterday moved me beyond words. It felt like the energy flowing through me was flowing back out through my heart center to the earth and all beings, so I went with it. I feel like a different person today, cleansed and healed. Thank you for your precious work. It feels very, very high vibration, and when you were channeling the energy, I saw you and Jesus become one, male and female of the same energy.” –C.

“I'm noticing a ‘quickening’ in how deeply I've been able to embody Jesus's teachings, and I leave the Christ Consciousness transmissions feeling filled with a warm inner light that just feels like gentle sunshine radiating from inside out. I'm finding that I'm moving into direct embodiment of spiritual concepts I've understood egoically for years and am truly experiencing them directly for the first time—and my external life as a whole has been changing, becoming warmer and more loving. It's been a truly beautiful unfolding for me so far. I'm looking forward to watching what continues to unfold as I move deeper into the teachings and the Transmissions.” –Dan M.

"Every time I attend A Christ Consciousness transmission, I feel a soul-penetrating, divine presence that almost always moves me to tears, like my heart has burst open. There is such a sense of awe. It is always transcending, and I always come away with a sense of deep healing and peace." -Kathryn W.

“During transmissions, I feel held in a blissful space – a sweet, sweet remembrance of Home. During and after transmissions, it feels like a purification process is happening in which the inner core is shaken and ‘that which I am not’ rises to the surface to be seen and released. Week after week, as ‘that which I am not’ passes, it has allowed for much clarity, lightness, and rootedness in Oneness. Each transmission has been a blessing that unravels, cleanses, and guides to a place deeper and deeper within the Self. An outpouring of love and gratitude to Nirmala and Gina as well as each and every one of you for the part you play in this beautiful symphony.” –F. M.

“I am so grateful to you both and all the Ascended Masters. During the transmission on Sunday, there was a vibration and aliveness in my being like I have never experienced before. It really did feel like the pebble dropping in the ocean and becoming one with it. As the week has gone on, it has become easy to access this space in meditation and quiet time—a real shift in consciousness, which my being is truly grateful for.” –M. A.

“This afternoon I attended the transmission, and just as Christ said, the transmissions work on subtle levels, and I feel as if enlightenment is closer than I thought. It melted my heart for many moments throughout the transmission and actually pierced the veil, if only for a fleeting moment. I felt the care and generosity of Jesus the Christ, as I perceive Him, showering through both you.” –D. K.

“It's a blessing to be part of these Christ Consciousness Transmissions. In addition to listening to and learning from a profound teaching of Jesus, the energetic transmission gives me such a peaceful and love-filled experience. Thank you, Nirmala and Gina!” –J. K.

“During the weekend intensive, the energy really built. The teachings were so right on for me, and one seemed to lead into the next. During one session on Sunday, I had some intense emotional clearing and feelings of regret/remorse come up and then the very next teaching was on forgiveness of self and others and basically a message of how there are no victims, which I needed to hear. The energy of participating in the whole intensive was very beneficial. Thanks again.” – C. W.

“Today I joined your Christ Consciousness Transmission for the first time and was so deeply touched. Everything about it was miraculous, healing, and delightful. What a blessing! The Christ Consciousness energy was both exquisitely sweet and powerful, loving, and encouraging. My soul feels utterly refreshed and bathed in peace and love.” –T. T.

“Last evening’s transmission was beautiful!! What Christ passes to us through you both is the most precious gift ever!! Thank you for being this vessel for us.” –J. R.

“The transmissions are quite literally mind boggling. My first experience was so overwhelming I just wept and having not had a religious upbringing this really surprised me. I felt so intimately known, so profoundly cherished and such utter compassion that my life will never be as it was before. I went to the beach and it was as though I was communing with a long lost and beloved friend, such beauty and love. Thank you with all my heart.” –L. L.

“I cannot express in words what it is like to see the face of Jesus in the here and now. The palpable light and love that poured through my heart chakra like the sun bursting through clouds was indescribable, and the tears had me sobbing with such a holy love. So humble, so deeply moving. How do I or any other kindred soul here express enough gratitude? Blessings to you and Nirmala for this divine work you have gifted the world with.” –K.

“I had an experience that was truly beyond words. I went so very deeply into a spaciousness and silence that lasted over 2 hours. The silence was an intriguing experience, both eerie and serene, the complete absence of sound and random thoughts, even the absence of the sensation of these trying to get in. I have been here before but never this deep or this long. Mostly, I totally surrendered with love, trust, and gratitude to the spaciousness and silence of this divine experience.” –T. P.

“Initially I experienced the transmissions as mostly a form of meditation. There was some kriya-like activity in the Hara. I’ve experienced something like that before in meditation practice over the years. As time went by, something changed driven by the transmission intensives. There was a cumulative effect somehow. Lots of subtle activation in and outside body. A deeper opening to love somehow. Energy flowing through me, around me, flowing me ultimately. A deeper softening and fluidity somehow. The talks are remarkable and uniquely succinct, clear, and accessible.” –Doug M.

“I love Jesus very much, and we have a strong connection, so I felt drawn to reading the channeled books from Jesus, and they speak the truth for me in many ways. One day, I talked to God about how I really believe in his ability to heal me, and then I felt a strong energy pouring over me when I sat down at my kitchen table. Then I laid down on my bed to read about your Christ healing transmissions on my smartphone, and the healing energy got very, very strong and warm in my body. I knew it was God that healed me, and when I jumped up from my bed, something released in my feet, which sounded like a click from my bones. Then, I could walk totally pain-free, and my feet were like they had been when I was younger and healthier. Before the miracle, I could only walk short walks because of the pain, and I took many painkillers. These Christ healing transmissions really helped me feel happy and light again, and I’m so thankful to you and Jesus for that!” –Jenny  

“Your transmissions have accelerated a beautiful deepening of my heart along with a clearer understanding of self-inquiry and a relaxation into it, in ways that are flowing into the beauty of uncharted territory in new realms of love. Often tears roll down my checks during the transmissions. Often you can see my face very red or energy fluctuations get me to form movements. Often, I feel my deceased mom and dad and others who I send love to. In addition, Gina’s words from Jesus confirm so much and pave the way to seeing what is Real.” –Dennis H.

“I had a beautiful experience that lasted only a few seconds, but it was amazing. The three of us were in heaven: me, you and Nirmala. We were these wise figures, dressed in long robes/cloaks, talking to each other in a different world. The wisdom and peace and perfection were so profound. That glimpse of us, our true selves, was so huge, in comparison with these little figures on earth. I am so grateful that I could experience myself in that way, even if it only lasted for seconds.” –Hester

“Thank you Gina, Nirmala, and the Christ Consciousness Ascended Master family for everything, as the changes, transformation, and healing I continue to receive from this touches and blesses all areas of my life from the inside out.” –Sharon-Claire S.

“It will soon be one year since I first came across the Jesus teachings that you have channeled. I have participated in everything you offer—the books, Christ Consciousness Transmissions, and all the courses (including the Awakening Now course). This has been the most incredible year of growth! These teachings have offered the greatest potential for living in joy, love, and peace of anything encountered in my 68 years of living (including decades of spiritual study). Nothing so far has offered such a clear description of the ego or false self and how to live in Presence. I now know how to recognize ego when it appears and how to gain mastery over it.  I am so very grateful for the teachings you provide.” –Sharon P.

“I wanted to express my gratitude for how much the CCTs have positively impacted my life. They always leave me with a greater sense of clarity and peace. Additionally, they have assisted me in addressing difficult emotions that I have struggled to identify and confront. The CCT energy creates a safe space for healing and growth. Thank you again for the incredible support and guidance.” Barb C.

“I am so grateful you have made yourselves available for these transmissions, and I was in joy to be embraced by Christ Consciousness. It was profound and intense. It is like having a trip home to have a cup with Mother, Father, God. I feel reignited, reunified, and able to BE. Peace, homecoming, all is well—all those things we know we truly are, but lose through life. I am just quietly in thankfulness.” –Shelley M.

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