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Join Us for Christ Consciousness Transmissions

In Christ Consciousness Transmission online meetings, Jesus and other Ascended Masters working with him offer us a transmission or darshan of higher consciousness. In addition to the energetic transmission, these transformative gatherings include a channeled message from Jesus based on the universal truth behind and beyond all religions.

You are welcome to attend the first time for FREE (by donation after that). Join us on Zoom seven times every week (see below for times, or check out our calendar with starting times in your time zone)

What Is Christ Consciousness Transmission or Darshan with Gina Lake and Nirmala?

""In seven weekly online meetings, Jesus and other Ascended Masters offer a transmission of Christ Consciousness energy through Gina Lake and her husband. Awakened teachers acting as intermediaries make it possible for Jesus to work more closely and directly with people. This transmission is largely through the eyes, as in the Eastern tradition of darshan, which is a blessing being transmitted through the eyes and received by the viewer through the eyes. In addition to this energetic transmission, these transformative gatherings include a channeled message from Jesus based on the universal truth behind and beyond all religions.

Gina Lake has been channeling the words of Jesus for several years, and Jesus has asked Gina and her husband, Nirmala, to make themselves available as instruments of his transmission. They are simply acting as antennas for this universal force. Christ Consciousness Transmission is a direct current of love and healing that will accelerate your evolution and help you break through to a new level of being. It will assist you in embodying Christ Consciousness and being your best self: who you came here to be. It is particularly intended for awakening and can also clear and heal longstanding issues by working with the unconscious mind when doing so is in service to awakening.

Transmission is something that naturally happens from spiritual teacher to aspirant and from beings on higher dimensions to those who are willing to receive on this dimension. Transmission has been used throughout the ages to accelerate spiritual evolution and raise consciousness. In the process, emotional and sometimes physical healing also take place, as a clearing of energy blocks from the energy field is a necessary and natural part of raising consciousness. Artwork by Daniel B. Holeman

Jesus Explains...

“These transmissions come to you from the heart of God to the heart of the universe to your own heart. They are for you, for your awakening, and for all of humanity. As they raise you, they raise all, and that is their purpose. This is not an energy for personal use but for universal use. It is especially for those of you who have a personal mission of healing or raising consciousness on this planet, for that is my mission as well. You are, or can be, my hands and expressions in the world. The second coming of Christ is the arrival of the Christ within each of you on a mass scale. This is happening now. It is time, and it won’t be stopped or interfered with.”

“Let it be understood that this force has little to do with Christianity or concepts about who I was as an individual on earth. Christ Consciousness is but one name for the universal force that I tapped into when I was alive and that you naturally answer to and step to when you are aligned with your divine nature. Know that you are no less than me, no less good and no less powerful, although you may have not realized this yet. This transmission will connect you with your original self, the knowing of who you really are, and it will touch all who come in contact with it with such knowing. Nothing short of a mass awakening on this planet is needed now.”

Jesus Introduces Himself and Christ Consciousness Transmissions

When are the transmissions?

""The Christ Consciousness Transmission (CCT) meetings take place seven times a week at 5:00 pm Pacific time on Tuesdays, 11:00 am Pacific time on Thursdays, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm Pacific time on Saturdays, and also at 9:00 am and 11:00 am Pacific time on Sundays. View our calendar with all events listed in your own time zone.

These meetings are about 40-50 minutes long and include a channeled message from Jesus followed by a 17-minute transmission of Christ Consciousness energy to accelerate your spiritual growth. Then, after the music that accompanies the transmission ends, we will sit in silence for a few minutes with eyes closed before quietly ending the meeting. The 1:00 pm Pacific time gathering on Saturdays is a special FREE healing and prayer circle.

How do I attend one of the online group meetings?

At one of the meeting times, click the button below.

Or copy and paste this URL into your browser:
(Password if needed: 445566)

After you've clicked on the button above, if you are prompted to download the Zoom launcher, just follow the on-screen instructions. The meeting room will be open about 15 minutes beforehand for you to come and just sit quietly. You can attend online on your computer, smartphone, tablet, or even by dialing in from your telephone. See this page for instructions to join by phone. You don't need to sign up ahead for any of our gatherings, just follow the Zoom link above to join the meeting room at the scheduled time.

Is there a cost to attend?

These sessions are offered by donation, but you are welcome to attend your first session for free by clicking on the Zoom link above. After that, the suggested donation is $10-$20 (US). However, money never needs to be a reason not to attend, and everyone is always welcome to join us, regardless of the amount donated. The Zoom link works whether or not you have donated. Below is a button to donate on Paypal, where you can also use a credit card even if you don't have a PayPal account. Or you can mail your donation to Endless Satsang Foundation, PO Box 20433, Sedona, AZ 86341. (If Paypal doesn't work for you, here is an alternate way to donate.)

You can also donate to Endless Satsang Foundation through the Paypal Giving Fund (a 501c-3 charity), which does not charge us any fees, and 100% of your donation will go to our non-profit organization.

Special Event: Immerse in the Transmissions in a 3-day Weekend Intensive with Nine Transmissions, November 15-17, 2024:

Special Offer

Join Gina's Awakening Now online course, and and you'll be entitled to participate in 10 group transmission sessions on Zoom on any of the days that sessions are offered.

For more information

For more answers to your questions about Christ Consciousness Transmissions and for the date of our next monthly intensive, see our FAQ page.

We hope you can join us soon on Zoom!

our family

Gina, Nirmala, Obi and Rafi


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