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Cycles of the Soul

Life, Death, and Beyond

What is the soul? And what is this human life all about? What happens at death and after death? What is it like in the afterlife, and do you plan your life before you are born? These are the questions answered by Cycles of the Soul. In this channeled book from Jesus, he explains this great mystery of the soul and how it evolves through many, many lifetimes of experience. You’ll discover what the soul needs to learn, how it does that, and how it heals from traumatic experiences. You’ll also discover why people suffer and have difficulties, why people are so different and how to get along with them, and you’ll be given practices to raise your vibration and speed up your evolution. This wise and compassionate perspective from Jesus will help you embrace life and be at peace with life and with death.

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From the Introduction: “Before taking on a human life, you existed as an energy being, as pure love and ecstatic beingness. And then you chose to experience being human. Once you did, you became embroiled in the cycle of lifetimes that hone and shape a human being and bring you back to your original state of love and peace—but with much more experience, compassion, and wisdom than you had before these incarnations. You chose to leave perfection for a state of imperfection and immeasurable challenges and growth. What courage! What a journey! From these experiences as a human being, your soul gains immensely, far more than you can ever imagine, and not only your soul but the Godhead is enhanced by these experiences. All of creation evolves and all of creation evolves the Creator, and the Creator rejoices! This is what is going on. This is the bigger picture, the grand design you are part of.” ~ Jesus

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445 reviews on Amazon averaging 4.7 out of 5 stars!
Here's what reviewers are saying ...

“A must read. This is the 14th book that I have read by Gina Lake since I found her books 3 months ago. This book, like all the others, is so clear, so helpful in discovering who we really are. I enjoy getting the narration along with her kindle books. I listen to and read her books multiple times because there is so much wisdom and instruction in them and they are absorbed at a different level with each reading. –Timothy P.

I got this book for my mom (she was diagnosed with a disease that gave her a limited time to live), and she loves it. She is able to understand more things and has become more at peace with things. I will read it when she is done, and she can’t wait to discuss it with me. I can see the positive change in her mood, and I’m grateful for this book helping her (and me) through this tough time.” –Anastasia

“Every book written by Gina Lake is inspiring, educational, and unconditionally loving. You won't find that in most books. Gina channels the Masters. What more could we possibly want than that? I have been a spiritual teacher for 30 years and a psychotherapist for 38 years. I am educated psychologically and spiritually, and at the age of 74 can honestly say I have reached a high level in my life. But there is always another level to get to, and Gina has taken me there with all of her books. I have almost all of them but 2. I read them over and over again because I need no other books to buy. This is all I need. If you feel the need to awaken and understand how you create your own suffering without realizing it, these books are for you. The investment you make in yourself and in the books is priceless.” –Connie N.

This book was a practical help for me. Thank you!! Not only was it fascinating with abundant descriptions of various karmic paths, it also answered so many questions I have always wondered about re: life on earth, life in general & life after earth, including death and the astral realm with calm authority and knowledge. However, the real reason to read it, is, of its own accord, it wraps light around you when you do. It is to be experienced, a book written by someone with a huge heart and an amazing hope for all life that is contagious. After reading it, I felt more like my life was worth something! I had more energy and I felt alive. I would wish the same for you. Pls. believe me, if you are struggling with darkness, grief, or a difficult life, I highly recommend you read this just as soon as you can. It is powerful, and it can help in a way that will surprise you. Just reading it it will dispel so much frustration & sorrow. Go for it! –Lani V.

“Another outstanding installment of spiritual food from Gina Lake. Cycles of the Soul is Gina Lake’s latest installment in a series of books that, taken together, are so illuminating, revelatory, palatable, and relevant—it’s hard to overstate their value. This book deals with life before and after death and tackles such broad subjects as free will, Karma, challenges, the evolution of the soul, healing traumas, and death and dying. Included is the importance of our astrological makeup to furthering our life plan and cultivating soul attributes. This book is essential reading in my view. Another reviewer said this book answers questions you didn't know you had. Yes, it certainly does. It also answers many vital questions you do have about your soul's journey and evolution.” –Eliot R.

“Nothing but truth here. This is another awesome book by Gina Lake! This one goes into pre-life planning, evolution of the soul, raising vibration, and how to prepare for death. I found it to be a very interesting read. I will use the information to increase my consciousness. Pick up any one of the books that she has channeled from Jesus and look down at your hands. You are holding the teachings of Jesus! I am sure of it. I also partake in her online Christ Consciousness Transmissions. With them, I have experienced physical and mental healing. I am so thankful that I found her work. It has totally changed my life!” –Beverly

“These teachings are so important and bring so much joy. This book is so important for everyone, but especially for those who are ready for Truth. The teachings explain so much of the mysteries of the Universe. They lead you to experience such hope and faith that no matter what happens, everything is all right already! Thank you, Gina for giving us such a gift! –Gina H.

“Beautifully clear and reassuring. This is exactly the kind of explanation I needed to understand the meaning and purpose of this lifetime. When I put my life in the context of the larger arc of my soul's progression, I am inspired with confidence and much more accepting of the circumstances I find myself passing through, which are often ambiguous and discouraging. I'm pretty sure I own all of Gina's books and they've been immensely helpful to me. And I come from a place of never having related to Jesus before, so don't let any resistance to the biblical Christ get in your way.–Walford

“Extraordinary teachings from Jesus about our souls. What a privilege it is for us to have Gina Lake channel the teachings of Jesus at this time in our history! To me, these are the most comprehensive writings on this subject that I have read as compared to other texts written about the soul. Through Gina, Jesus explains what we have longed to understand about the multi-dimensional reality of who we are, how and where we may fit in the evolutionary cycle of our souls, how we may heal and how our souls learn the lessons from the challenges that we have mapped out from our various incarnations. Jesus explains how to speed up your evolution by raising your vibration through various meditation practices and prayers, which have been particularly helpful for me. I also now have a greater understanding of how astrological charts are used to serve the blueprints of our incarnations. I have learned so much from these teachings, and I am grateful for having this resource in my library.” –Guy. L

“All of Gina Lake's books are expressions of her connection with Source, and by reading or listening to them, one becomes uplifted by attuning to the state of consciousness from which her words spring. All of Gina's books are treasures for people wishing to deepen their understanding of our true nature, not just intellectually, but from the state of being inside each of us that recognizes and resonates with that state. The mind may grapple with some of the concepts, but if read from a relaxed and meditative place, deeper consciousness grasps the meaning, and becomes more expansive and present as a result. This book, in particular, could not be more timely, as it can serve as a gateway for humanity to begin to awaken to its true nature so that our world may evolve to a place of harmony, with each other and with all of nature. Gratitude to Gina Lake for acting as a channel of wisdom for us all.” –Stephanie C.

Cycles of the Soul is a clear and loving directive that points to what is always here—all too often unquestioned and yet deeply resonant within all of us. Wisdom and Soul-Awareness are interwoven throughout this beautiful book, which offers a depth of clarity about our levels of consciousness. Gina Lake writes in a way that encourages us to live our divine Truth naturally—with a focus on Christ-like compassion, inner acceptance, trust, and infinite love. In addition, Cycles of the Soul offers generous opportunities to contemplate the soul’s evolution. Jesus teaches by using numerous scenarios, each of which invites us to experience a deeper perspective of this human life and how our soul grows, heals, and learns as we live it. Openly contemplate the lessons on karma, astrology, reincarnation, and pre-life planning, and you will find yourself ever more curious about the cycles of soul with every page. Thank you, Gina Lake, for continuing to love, support, and lift humanity through your gifts of channeling and expression.” –Susan B.

“Like all of Gina Lake’s channeled books, this one answers all the questions we think about regarding who we are, why we are here, and where are we going in these cycles of life. Informative and comforting. I highly recommend this latest work as channeled by Jesus. These messages have changed my life and have brought me joy, happiness, and a sense of connectivity with the Divine.” –Amazon customer

“So many incredible realizations to questions you may have but never thought to ask. This book could help you feel so much better about yourself.” –Peter S.

“The ideas revolutionized my perspective about my identity, the nature and significance of my experiences. It made me view others (family members, colleagues, associates, and members of society) with far greater understanding, compassion, acceptance, and appreciation. Forgiveness seems much easier and even unnecessary. I was blind, but now I see! And wow—it's a whole new world!” –Walt F.

“This is the greatest book I’ve ever read. Gina’s books all have been transformative, and of them, this one has been the best. Gina’s books have changed my life, and reading them has been a most spiritual experience. First of all, they gave me courage in times of fear and, secondly, they gave me wisdom when I was searching and guidance when I was seeking truth. This book especially taught me a lot that I was seeking to know and it enabled me to put the pieces together in the puzzle of my life. To Gina, I am eternally grateful, and although I have read all of her books many times, I will continue to read them again through different points over the course of my life. They are foundational and great works full of knowledge and compassion and wisdom and love. They are also full of truth and of power and of guidance from the spiritual realms.” –Nima S.

“This book is a must read. Once you start it you will finish it in a sitting. Unbelievable interesting and resonates with you on a soul level. I have read most all of her books after this one was suggested to me. We need more authors like Gina. All of her books are so easy to relate to and such easy reads. Please continue to write!!” –Amazon Customer

“Another simply beautiful, simply penetrating transmission from the Master by Gina Lake! It is most certainly the key to living a fulfilled life and mastering the lessons of understanding and transcendence one has been born to learn. We should never underestimate the power of the real channel and all that is imparted as sheer, ageless wisdom. Here one feels energetically as though one is literally in the Presence of the Christ and feels their own Christ Consciousness from deep within. So much gratitude for this tremendous gift shared with the world by Gina in the utter Grace and maturity of her awakened Heart to receive and deliver.” –Carlos B.

This is a must read for anyone who wants a clear understanding of our soul’s journey through life, death and beyond. It is a beautifully written book. Gina Lake never disappoints in the many books she has channeled.” –Marie S.

“The unique characteristic of Gina’s books is that they provide you with an easy and simple explanation of the most intricate spiritual and metaphysical concepts. Her latest book is no exception, and this, considering its subject, is more than rewarding! Upon seeing the title of the book, Cycles of the Soul, one could think that this may imply some compromise with the radical nondual approach, which inspired all her other books. Not the least. With Gina's typical easy style, the book guides the reader seamlessly from the level of the manifest to the level of the Absolute. This is true for complex issues such as free will, suffering, death, and Self-realization. With this broad perspective, illustrated with more than 30 cases, you gain deep insights into your life, as well as into this whole universal drama. You will feel more empathy and compassion for everyone, and you will become more understanding and giving. What a gift!” –Ahmed L.

“New Information and Insights! A somewhat challenging book for me, as the material (some quite new and unexpected) shed light on how the human life exists through many lifetimes, all for the soul purpose of growth, healing, and coming to know love as our essence. The information clarified for me what Karma and death is all about but also reinforced that it is up to each of us to overcome the negative thoughts, beliefs, and feelings we experience in order to go beyond them to know and embody the experience of who we really are. As written on page 191, this is the Heroic journey we must embrace, learn about and grow from, and not give in to human conditioning and egoic thoughts that lead us astray.” –Jim K.

"The book Cycles of the Soul is the most important spiritual book I have ever read. It answers maybe all the questions I could have about life and death: Where did I come from, who am I, how to become who I really am, what is the purpose of life, are accidents preplanned, why would a soul incarnate to difficult life circumstances, is life meant to be enjoyable and easy? It was a pleasure reading it. I sipped every word with awe and was sorry it ended. I have read some other channeled books by Gina Lake, all wonderful and important; however, so far, I find this one the best." –Liora V.

“Worth reading multiple times! Through her channeling, Gina provides us with a glimpse of the meaning of life, along with all of its challenges and lessons, and the meaning of death, and how that truly does free our souls to evolving higher and higher in our own evolution of consciousness. –Debbie G.

This book was a major life changer! The key sentence for me was on page 8 where Jesus says that if we connect with our spirit guides it’ll speed up our spiritual evolution. I did that and immediately burst out laughing! It was the second time that I had read the book, and my sense is that the whole book helped bring me to this point in my spiritual evolution. This book has brought me to the pinnacle of my spiritual evolution. –Howard C.

“Fascinating overview of the processes of human life. Concepts about the soul and its human journey, including free will, karma, trauma, and death, are clearly explained in this new offering from Gina Lake. Full of helpful insights!” –Mary S.

A complete guide in understanding the soul's purpose and reincarnation from both the physical and the astral plane.” –G. R. Gaus

“Channeled from beyond. I love all Gina Lake books, especially those channeled by Jesus himself. Cycles of the Soul is my favorite book to date. I have grown spiritual so much over the last several years, and Gina's books are a big part of that growth. Give this book a chance—you'll be glad you did. Enjoy!” –Stunner

“Jesus teaches how to live a life without suffering and therefore a life that is more joyful, more peaceful, and more loving. His teachings through talented channels like Gina Lake have profoundly affected my life. As Jesus taught, ‘You too can do a I do.’ I have found this to be true. –Julie T.

“A soul nourishing book. Gina Lake's channeled books are nourishing, inspiring, and grounding. This one left me feeling calm and connected to the multi-life understanding of our ongoing unfoldment. The clarity and guidance resonates deeply. A true joy to listen to it. –Teresa M.

“An absolute must read. Cycles of the Soul Takes an intimate look at how our soul progresses from lesson to lesson, and lifetime to lifetime and helps reframe our eternal existence as a precious moment to moment journey toward more love, more acceptance and more peace! Uncovering the Divine love we all truly are and always will be.
Do yourself and all those around you a favor and buy this book today! It will change your life forever.”

“Gina’s books have added so much clarity to my life. Gina's transcriptions of what Jesus has to say today has opened me up in ways I did not think possible. They are invaluable and so necessary in today's world. I can't express that enough through words.” –Stacy Q.

“Wonderful insights. I have always liked Gina Lake's books. Cycles of The Soul is the best and most insightful of them all. The book describes the spirits who guide us, gives examples of the lessons our soul is teaching us, and the ways to enhance our spiritual journey. I highly recommend this book for those who have been on the spiritual path as well as those who are beginning their journey.” –Paul

“I have struggled with coping with many losses of close loved one in my life, including loved ones that passed from suicide. This book is excellent for understanding all of the stages of the soul and its purpose. It leaves no stone unturned. I found great peace, meaning, and understanding when it goes in depth about the soul and how that relates to suffering, death, and the afterlife. I was so emotionally moved that I cried with her words, which provided me with great comfort and wisdom in relation to how the soul relates to suffering and death even if death is by means of suicide, euthanasia, or even a woman’s choice to abort a pregnancy. This is definitely an enlightening well written book that I highly recommend.” –Sarah