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Choosing Love

Moving from EGO to ESSENCE in Relationships

Are you sabotaging the love that is possible in your relationships? Have you ever wished you could experience unconditional love? Choosing Love offers a spiritual approach to transforming relationships by showing you how to let go of any fears, limiting belief, and judgments. By moving beyond your ego and conditioning, you can create a richer, more loving life for yourself and those you care about. You have the power to determine how much love you experience in any given moment.

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There is nothing that opens someone’s heart more than someone with an open heart. Conversely, there is nothing that closes someone’s heart more than someone with a closed heart. The spiritual self-help book, Choosing Love, will help you open your heart by helping you overcome the fear, judgments, and egoic expectations and demands that block love and make relationships difficult. A loving relationship is possible, and it starts with your own relationship to love, with your capacity to love. Choosing Love will help you love and thereby draw more love to you in your life.

You will Learn...

  • How the ego interferes with love and happiness
  • How to move beyond romantic illusions
  • How to recognize, find, and sustain a meaningful relationship
  • How to overcome anger, judgments, criticism, and resentment
  • How to resolve issues like infidelity, money, commitment, sexual differences
  • How to see the Divine in another

Purchase Choosing Love

Purchase Choosing Love with a new narration by Gina Lake on this website for $9.95 as a downloadable zip file through Paypal with the Buy Now button below (Audible and IBooks versions also available at the links above). 7.5 hours.

190 Reviews on Amazon averaging 4.8 out of 5 stars!
Here's what reviewers are saying ...

“This book is essentially a prescription for happiness in relationships and, incidentally, happiness outside of relationships too. It is hands down the best book I have ever read on relationships. I understand now how I was causing a lot of the problems in my relationships by my own ignorance, and I am confident that I will approach my next one with new skills and a new understanding of love, tolerance, acceptance, and harmony.” –Shari Blake

"Impeccable. If after all the fighting and struggle and confusion, you are ready to hear and drink in the simple truth about living, loving, relating, this book is for you. This is more than a book; it is a treasure. How radiantly clear and simple it is to hear when one is ready. This book is for those who are ready to get IT, to hear out of the silence the music that we all are." —Michael N. Peil

“This book has changed my life. I no longer feel the need to judge how others are living their lives, and mine has become so much more simple, rich, and stress free. This book has helped me to let go of my ego and move into living in Essence. I’m living in Essence, not the ego, and loving it!” -Kas

“I feel blessed to have found this absolutely beautiful book. Every sentence is a gem. This book can save a lot of suffering in relationships. It explains why we do what we do and helps us change our relationship to our judgments and conditioning. Gina's compassion is evident from her beautiful words.” –P. M.

"This book did so much more than improve my marriage. It improved my life. It teaches easy techniques to improve your relationships with others, yourself, and life.” –Ira Cohen

“This book has opened my eyes regarding the true meaning of a relationship. I have learned to love and accept my partner the way he is. I have learned so much about myself, thanks to this book. I feel deeply grateful! This book helps me to come back to love again and again." –Chintana

“All you ever wanted to know about relationships and true love without expecting to find it written. Gina manages it in this book, in a very clear, simple, practical, and luminous way. Don't be mistaken, it is a book about who we really are and how to live it, or as Gina puts it: how to align ourselves with ‘Essence.’ A must!” –Anatala
“When you have read enough of the theory, sit down, relax and open this book. You won't be disappointed! Gina offers practical, down to earth insights on relationships that can propel you to experiencing inner Essence through LOVE. A beautiful book that does away with mental gymnastics, becomes your friend, and offers you the insightful guidance that you so much deserve and have looked so hard for.” –Jerry Chess
“My life has been blessed by this amazing book. I have been suggesting it to everyone! The author clearly describes how our attachment to ego hinders our experience of love. Her gift of expression makes these concepts clear and easy to grasp. Highly recommended.” –Valeria Kendall
“I wish everyone would read this book. If you want to understand how to make the relationship with yourself work, along with relationships with anyone else, this would be a great book to absorb. Gina Lake goes deep, and you will end up really understanding yourself and others so much better. I love her books!” –Peter S.