Books by Gina
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Audiobooks by Gina Lake
Available from,*, and Apple Books. Some audiobooks are also available on this website. The covers below take you to more information about each audiobook.
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Angels, Masters and Guides: How to Work with Them to Heal and to Accelerate Your Spiritual Evolution
Do you want to connect more with angels, Ascended Masters, and guides and feel their presence in your life? Did you know that they are available to work with you more closely? This book will help you develop a relationship with them that will be healing on all levels. It explains what angels, Ascended Masters, and guides are and how to work with them. It also gives you practical steps you can take to support your own healing so that you can live your best life as the loving and divine being that you truly are. 5.5 hours.
From the Introduction: "In this book, I hope to convey the immensity of the creation and the immensity of love that beings on higher dimensions have for humanity, for we view you as our very own selves and our beloveds. This may be hard for you to believe, as you are ensconced in a reality where you feel quite separate and apart from each other and from the Creator, but that is the illusion you are here to see through." -Jesus
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What Jesus Wants You to Know Today: About Himself, Christianity, God, the World, and Being Human
Jesus exists and has always existed to serve humanity, and one way he is doing this today is through this channel, Gina Lake, and others. In this audiobook, Jesus answers many questions about his life and teachings and shares his perspective on the world. He brings his message of love, once again, to the world and corrects the record by detailing the ways that Christianity has distorted his teachings. He wants you to know that you, too, have the potential to be a Christ, to be enlightened as he was. Jesus explains:
“Knowing the truth is the beginning of changing the world. Too many were and still are living according to false beliefs instead of the truth. I came to earth to try to change that, to be a voice in a vast desert of misunderstandings, and I continue to be a voice for truth to the extent that I can from this dimension. I never really left you. I have never ceased being in service to humanity and your beautiful planet.” 5 hours.
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Cycles of the Soul: Life, Death, and Beyond
What is the soul? And what is this human life all about? What happens at death and after death? What is it like in the afterlife, and do you plan your life before you are born? These are the questions answered by Cycles of the Soul. In this channeled book from Jesus, he explains this great mystery of the soul and how it evolves through many, many lifetimes of experience. You’ll discover what the soul needs to learn, how it does that, and how it heals from traumatic experiences. You’ll also discover why people suffer and have difficulties, why people are so different and how to get along with them, and you’ll be given practices to raise your vibration and speed up your evolution. This wise and compassionate perspective from Jesus will help you embrace life and be at peace with life and with death. 9 hours.
“Before taking on a human life, you existed as an energy being, as pure love and ecstatic beingness. And then you chose to experience being human. Once you did, you became embroiled in the cycle of lifetimes that hone and shape a human being and bring you back to your original state of love and peace—but with much more experience, compassion, and wisdom than you had before these incarnations. You chose to leave perfection for a state of imperfection and immeasurable challenges and growth. What courage! What a journey!” –Jesus
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Coming Soon: The Shift: Becoming Your Best Self
Discover the power of The Shift and transform your life into one of freedom and trust. This groundbreaking spiritual self-help book will guide you through the journey of reprogramming your mind, freeing yourself from negative beliefs and fears, and finding the courage to live your best life. 10 hours.
“The Shift is about the shift of consciousness that happens when we stop believing our thoughts and allowing them to tell us who we are and how to run our life. This shift of consciousness is the most radical shift that a person can experience. It will change your life for the better forever. When we change our relationship to our thoughts, our life changes because we change fundamentally. We become our best self rather than the confused, insecure, petty, judgmental, striving, stressed-out, unhappy self we are likely to have been and believed ourselves to be when we were enmeshed with the voice in our head and believing those thoughts. The Shift is ultimately about discovering who we really are beyond all the things we believe about ourselves and have been taught about ourselves and about life. It is about recognizing and becoming who we really are—a spiritual being who happens to be having a human experience.”–From the introduction
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In the World but Not of It: New Teachings from Jesus on Embodying the Divine
From the Introduction, by Jesus:
“What I have come to teach now is that you can embody love, as I did. You can become Christ within this human life and learn to embody all that is good within you. I came to show you the beauty of your own soul and what is possible as a human. I came to show you that it is possible to be both human and divine, to be love incarnate. You are equally both. You walk with one foot in the world of form and another in the Formless. This mysterious duality within your being is what this book is about. The consciousness that is within me is also within you. You are the son as equally as I am. You are the ‘I am’ I spoke about. You and I are one. You and everyone else are one. Many are ready for the Christ within to come forward and manifest in the world more fully. The birthing of this Christ—of Christ Consciousness—is the true second coming. ‘Christ Consciousness,’ as I am using it, points to the divinity within everyone and the potential for that divinity to become a living reality, to become what lives you. I was an example of that possibility in my lifetime two thousand years ago.”
This book was given to Gina Lake by Jesus. 5 hours.
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Awakening Love: How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
What would Jesus say about love if he were alive today? In Awakening Love, you will find out, as Jesus speaks to you directly about his most essential teaching in this channeled book by Gina Lake. 5 hours. Here is an excerpt:
“The love that is within me is also within you. Love is your true nature as much as it is mine. That means that it is possible for you to love as I did. This was my message, not that you are sinners and the only possibility for happiness is in heaven. No, I came to earth to show you that it’s possible to love your neighbor as yourself and to encourage you to do so. I came to earth, not to bring love and then leave, but to ignite the love within you, to show you that you, too, could be Christed as I was and as I am. It is your destiny to live as love, and I came to show you how to do that. That was and is the purpose of my teachings.” –Jesus
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All Grace: New Teachings from Jesus on the Truth About life
Grace is the aspect of God that acts in the world to fulfill Thy will and carry out the divine design. Grace is the mysterious and unseen movement of God upon creation, which is motivated by love and indistinct from love. All Grace was given to Gina Lake by Jesus and represents his wisdom and understanding of life. It is about the magnificent and incomprehensible force behind life, which created life, sustains it, and operates within it as you and me and all of creation. Life is a mystery, but the truth about life is not actually hidden for those who are willing to look beyond the usual assumptions about life. All Grace is full of profound and life-changing truth. 4.5 hours.
“The fact that Grace guides you on your journey within the egoic illusion is a sign of great benevolence and love. You have been given programming and free will to shape this journey, but you have also been given a plan—a divinely inspired destiny—and Grace, the shaping hand of God, to deliver that plan and help you fulfill it.” –Jesus
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A Heroic Life: New Teachings from Jesus on the Human Journey
The hero’s journey—this human life—is a search for the greatest treasure of all: the gifts of your true nature. These gifts are your birthright, but they have been hidden from you, kept from you by the dragon: the ego. These gifts are the wisdom, love, peace, courage, strength, and joy that reside at your core. A Heroic Life shows you how to overcome the ego’s false beliefs and face the ego’s fears. It provides you with both a perspective and a map to help you successfully and happily navigate life’s challenges and live heroically. You will learn how to skillfully manage changes, how to overcome difficulties, how to master your negative emotions, how to cultivate inner strength, how to be happy, and how to be true to yourself. This book is another in a series of books dictated to Gina Lake by Jesus. 4.7 hours.
“Contrary to the ego’s perceptions, life is not supposed to be different than the way it is. You are not lacking anything you need to be happy. You do not need to be afraid of life. Life does not have to be a struggle. Life is not a competition. Life is not about getting more things and more power. You are not actually separate from others or from life, although it does seem that way. The ego’s perspective does not reflect reality, which is why it causes suffering.” –Jesus
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In this trilogy by Jesus, are three jewels, each shining in its own way and illuminating the same truth: You are not only human but divine, and you are meant to flourish and love one another. In words that are for today, Jesus speaks intimately and directly to the reader of the secrets to peace, love, and happiness. He explains the deepest of all mysteries: who you are and how you can live as he taught long ago. The three books in The Jesus Trilogy were dictated to Gina Lake by Jesus and include Choice and Will, Love and Surrender, and Beliefs, Emotions, and the Creation of Reality. 8 hours.
“I represent and have always represented the Consciousness within you. I reflected the Love that you are so that you could know it within you. That was my purpose. I did not come to be worshiped but to show you the way to love and worship all of life.” –Jesus
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Faith, Facts, and Fiction: Finding Your Way on the Spiritual Path
In this channeled book by Jesus, he explains the ways people fool themselves and are fooled on the spiritual path and corrects many of the misunderstandings that many seekers have. How do you sort fact from fiction, faith from blind faith, and Truth from illusion? What’s the truth about conspiracy theories, cults, Christianity, channeling, psychic abilities, awakening, and enlightenment? The answers are here.
This timely book explores many of the topics of interest to seekers' today. Faith, Facts, and Fiction explains the pitfalls on the spiritual path, key falsehoods in Christianity, the difference between awakening and enlightenment, the benefits and dangers of channeling and of transmissions, the differences between old souls and younger souls, how negative entities and lower astral beings are influencing people today, how to tell the level of a channeled being, the phenomenon of Star People, and the difference between a kundalini awakening and a spiritual awakening. 6.0 hours.
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Jesus Speaking, Vol. 5: On Being in the World
The messages in this audiobook/book from Jesus, channeled by Gina Lake, will help you be in the world with greater peace and happiness. In these messages, Jesus addresses a variety of practical issues, such as the cause of suffering, how to heal and transform humanity, how to come together as one world, what the Law of Attraction really is, how to make love your default, how to connect soul to soul, what being honest and truthful means, how to create an environment conducive to your spiritual wellbeing, how to stay true to your Heart, how to be more present in your life, and how to find your life purpose. These messages were part of weekly online video meetings, where Gina Lake and her husband, who is also a non-dual spiritual teacher, give what they call Christ Consciousness energy transmissions. The channeled messages were given before the transmission to prepare, teach, and inspire those who are there to receive the transmission. Many report feeling a transmission come through these channeled messages as well. 6 hours.
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Jesus Speaking, Vol. 4: On Embodying Christ Consciousness
In this channeled audiobook/book, Jesus speaks to us from another dimension to awaken Christ Consciousness within us. Christ Consciousness refers to enlightenment, or the realization of our oneness with all and our inherent divinity, exemplified by Jesus Christ. Jesus lived what he taught, and he taught from a higher state of consciousness, one free of ego. Jesus was an example of what we all can be, a model of what is possible for every human being, and the messages in this audiobook show us how we can become more Christ-like and live as he did. These messages were part of weekly online video meetings, where Gina Lake and her husband, who is also a non-dual spiritual teacher, give what they call Christ Consciousness energy transmissions. The channeled messages were given before the transmission to prepare, teach, and inspire those who are there to receive the transmission. Many report feeling a transmission come through these messages as well. 6.5 hours.
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Jesus Speaking, Vol. 3: On Awakening to Love
What we know about Jesus and what is obvious from the messages in this audiobook/book is that Jesus is about love. His purpose in speaking to us through these messages is to awaken the love within us that is our true nature. These messages are also intended to give you the experience of having a relationship with this wise and loving being we’ve known as Jesus the Christ, as he speaks to you as if you were sitting in his presence. These messages were part of weekly online video meetings, where Gina Lake and her husband, who is also a non-dual spiritual teacher, give what they call Christ Consciousness energy transmissions. The channeled messages were given before the transmission to prepare, teach, and inspire those who are there to receive the transmission. Many report feeling a transmission come through these channeled messages as well. “What you all want is love. That is encoded in you—to go toward love.” 6.5 hours.
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Jesus Speaking, Vol. 2: On Overcoming Fear and Developing Trust
In the Introduction, Jesus explains:
“To be free from fear requires that you see the truth about fear—that it is an illusion. It isn’t real. Merely seeing this is, itself, freeing. Fear keeps you imprisoned in the ego’s world, which is one of lack and insecurity and every possible negative emotion. Fear shapes most people’s lives, which is why so many are unhappy, since fear and happiness and fear and love cannot coexist. Fear blocks love. It is the enemy of love and therefore the enemy of happiness. Fear doesn’t make anyone a better person. It doesn’t even keep people safe. How can an illusion, a lie, keep you safe? But the truth can and will.”
That is what you will find here—the truth about fear, along with practical advice and methods for working with fear and overcoming specific fears, such as the fear of failure, poverty, death, loss, illness, aging, and not being loved. 4.5 hours.
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Jesus Speaking, Vol. 1: On Falling in Love with Life
This audiobook will bring you into greater alignment with the Christ within you, with Christ Consciousness. By doing a few simple things and shifting your perspective in small ways, which are explained in each of the chapters, you can become a lover of life.
In the Introduction, Jesus explains:
“I am speaking to you now through this channel to help you to know of my presence and to feel my presence in your life more fully. I want you to know that I exist here, in another dimension, that I am eternally present and continue to be the servant for all that is good, and that you—like me—are also eternal and will continue to exist once you leave this temporary body. You are so much more than you realize. I was but an example of what you are capable of as a human being. But in essence, you, like me, are much more than a human being. You are an eternal being. My intention in speaking to you through this audiobook is to help you realize your true nature and to live as the best human being you can be. Allow me to be your guide Home. It is my deepest honor to serve you in this way, for in doing so, I am serving the Whole and giving glory to the Father, who has created all of life.” 4.5 hours.
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From Stress to Stillness: Tools for Inner Peace
Stress is endemic in our society and the cause of relationship difficulties, physical illness, addictions, mistakes, inefficiency, lack of fulfillment, and unhappiness—all the result of being cut off from our Source, from our inherent peace and wisdom. Reducing stress is important today not only for our personal well-being but for the well-being of the planet, as what underlies the stress in our lives is identification with the ego and its values. The ego-driven lifestyle that most people live is wreaking havoc with our world. Fortunately, changing ourselves and our world in this way is mainly only a matter of changing our mind or, rather, changing our relationship to our mind. That is what From Stress to Stillness is all about.
From Stress to Stillness will help you to examine what you’re thinking and change your relationship to your thoughts so that they no longer result in stress. Drawing from the wisdom traditions, mindfulness meditation, psychology, New Thought, and the author’s own experience as a spiritual teacher and counselor, From Stress to Stillness offers many practices that will lead to greater peace and equanimity, even in a busy and stress-filled world. 8.5 hours.
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Choosing Love: Moving from Ego to Essence in Relationships
Are you sabotaging the love that is possible in your relationships? Have you ever wished you could unlock the love that is your true nature and express it fully? Choosing Love offers a spiritual approach to transforming relationships by showing you how to let go of your preconceived ideas and judgments. By moving beyond your ego and conditioning, you can create a richer, more loving life for yourself and those you care about. You have the power to determine how much love you experience in any given moment.
Choosing Love offers profound insights and practical advice about how the ego interferes with love and happiness; moving beyond romantic illusions; recognizing, finding, and sustaining a meaningful relationship; overcoming anger, judgments, criticism, and resentment; resolving issues like infidelity, money, commitment, sexual differences; and seeing the Divine in another. 7.5 hours.
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Embracing the Now: Finding Peace and Happiness in What Is
The Now—this moment—is the true source of happiness and peace and the key to living a fulfilled and meaningful life. Embracing the Now is a collection of short essays about the Now, which can serve as daily reminders of the deepest truths. Full of clear insight and wisdom, it explains how the mind keeps us from being in the Now, how to move into the Now and stay there, and what living from the Now is like. Embracing the Now also explains how to overcome stumbling blocks to being in the Now, such as fears, doubts, judgments, misunderstandings, distrust of life, desires, and other conditioned ideas that are behind human suffering. Embracing the Now will show you how to attain the happiness, peace, and fulfillment that come from knowing who you really are and living in alignment with that. 8.5 hours.
"Life is always good, and we are always having the experience we need. If it doesn’t feel that way, then you are listening to the mind’s sad or negative story about it. This kind of suffering is so unnecessary. When you drop out of your egoic mind and into this simple moment, that is what you discover. Life can be lived very well from this place of Presence, or being in the now, because Presence is what’s real, and the ego and its thoughts are not. The good news is that you have never needed the ego’s thoughts to live your life and, therefore, freedom from suffering is possible."
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Living in the Now: How to Live as the Spiritual Being That You Are
The 99 essays in Living in the Now provide practical spiritual wisdom that can be used in daily contemplation. They address many questions raised by the spiritual search, offering insight on fear, anger, happiness, aging, boredom, desire, patience, faith, forgiveness, acceptance, commitment, love, purpose, meaning, fulfillment, meditation, being present, quieting the mind, letting go of the past, healing conditioning, dealing with emotions, trusting life, trusting your Heart, and many other deep subjects. These essays will help you become more present and aware of your true nature and feel more loving, happy, grateful, and at peace. 8 hours.
"We have the freedom to choose what we give our attention to and what we believe about ourselves, our situation, others, and life. This is a tremendous responsibility, as it determines to a great extent what our experience of life will be. No matter what our circumstances are, we have the freedom to accept them, which simply means to not argue with reality, but allow ourselves to have the experience we are having—because we are!"
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Ten Teachings for One World: Wisdom from Mother Mary
On a glorious fall day in 2012, while sitting in a garden graced by a statue of Mother Mary, Gina Lake heard Mother Mary address her: “You are my beloved child.” This began an ongoing relationship and communication with Mother Mary. Ten Teachings for One World is a message from Mother Mary to all her beloved children on earth. The teachings are intended to bring us into closer contact with the peace and love that is our divine nature, which has the ability to transform our hearts and our world. Mother Mary’s gentle wisdom will inspire and assist you in awakening to the magnificent being that you are. 2.5 hours.
“In between each and every thought is a space, and that is where freedom lies, in experiencing this space. How simple it is to experience it! Anyone can do it. And yet, staying in that experience of space can be so hard. Are you able to experience that space and the sense of spaciousness that comes from that even for just a moment? What is this space like? Is peace there? Is love there? Are clarity and wisdom there? Is strength there? Courage? Patience? Compassion? Yes, all of the qualities of your divine nature are there. That is where they have always been and where they can always be found again when you need them. All you have to do is give your attention to the space in between thoughts instead of to your thoughts." -Mother Mary
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Being Happy (Even When You Don't Get What You Want): The Truth About Manifesting and Desire
We expect that getting what we want will finally make us happy, but what we find is that it mostly just leads to wanting more or wanting something different. Our desires toss us to and fro until we tire of this and begin to question the value of following them. Being Happy (Even When You Don't Get What You Want) will help you understand desire and its purpose in your life. It will also help you discriminate between your Heart’s desires and the ego's and relate to your desires in a way that reduces suffering and increases joy. Being Happy (Even When You Don't Get What You Want) is also about spiritual freedom, or liberation, which comes from following the Heart, our deepest desires, instead of the ego's desires. It is about becoming a lover of life rather than a desirer. 6.0 hours. (This book was formerly titled Anatomy of Desire.)
A review from Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations with God:
"Conversations with God says that happiness is not getting what you want, it is wanting what you get. Others have made the same observation, and in fact, this thought seems to be as old as time. Still, it is good to hear it again, to visit it once more, to connect with the wisdom yet one more time. And few books do as good a job, as quickly, of reconnecting us with that wisdom than this one by Gina Lake. This book had a lasting impact on me. I highly recommend it…. It offers a simple, accessible, articulate, and interesting take on the very human experience of desire and gives us the tools to make clear choices about how we want to live our lives. An excellent read."
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